At Cordner Advisory, we believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to navigating the complex landscape of business and finance. Our Business Insights Blog is your trusted resource for a wealth of invaluable tips, expert insights, and updates in the world of finance, taxation, accounting, compliance, SMSFs, private advisory, and more. Explore our blog and unlock the insights that can take your financial journey to new heights.
Cordner Advisory Blog
Budgets Are Important
Combining past trends with realistic forecasts for the financial year, a budget provides a detailed view of assets, realistic revenue expectations, and how those balance against your anticipated expenses.
The difference between a budget and a forecast
A budget is a financial plan, derived based on where you want your business to go.
Death and Taxes
Taxes are a part of life, but the fact that it is also a part of death is not much thought about, or discussed, or planned for.
Changes to Compulsory Study Loan Repayments
As of 01 July 2019, the ATO have revised the compulsory repayment thresholds and repayment rates for the following study and training support loans:
Claiming Deductions on your Tax Return
As we are approaching fast towards the end of the financial year the income tax returns will be due for lodgments very soon.
Queensland Budget
Queensland Treasurer Jackie Trad set down the 2019 / 2020 Queensland Budget yesterday and there were some changes to payroll tax and land tax to be aware of.
Changes to Company Loss Rules - The Similar Business Test
In February 2019, the Federal Government enacted changes to the company loss rules, which were first announced in 2015.
Tax policy update
By now I am sure you have heard all about the most unexpected election result in some time – at least since 1993.
Single Touch Payroll Is Coming – Are You Ready?
The system was implemented for employers with 20 or more employees since 01/07/18 and will be applied to all employers, including those with 19 employees, from 01/07/19.
How much can you contribute to super before 30 June 2019?
As we approach 30 June, there are a few things to remember… and check… when it comes to superannuation contributions.
Labor’s Proposed Negative Gearing Changes
An investment such as property is referred to as negatively geared if the income is less than the interest repayments and outgoing expenses.
How to reach inbox zero
A great tip to achieving Inbox Zero is to set some time aside each day to check your emails.
Family Trust Election
It is not enough to simply include the words 'family trust' in your trust's name. A trustee can only make a valid family trust election where it has satisfied the relevant tests and made an election in writing in the approved form.
STP Bill now passed through Senate
What does that mean? The requirement for Single Touch Payroll (STP) was implemented from 1 July 2018 for all employers with 20 employees or more.
The Capital Gains Tax Consequences of Creating Rights
Although most of us think about the disposal of an asset when it comes to Capital Gains Tax (CGT), there are another 53 CGT events that have tax consequences.
Business Health Check Up
After a big Christmas and New Year break we are now all back into the swing of things. It is a reminder that we are now half way through the 2019 Financial Year – where did that time go!
New Years Resolution: To Avoid Sophisticated Email Scams …
With the “silly season” now a distant memory and the New Year in full swing with many people exercising in the heat in an effort to accomplish one of their resolutions, it’s timely to bring to front of everyone’s mind the need to be vigilant with your business records and systems that you have in place to protect your data, as well as your cash.
Contractors for payroll tax purpose
If your business is paying for contractors, you need to look closer on each contractor to see if the contractor is considered as a relevant contract for payroll tax purpose.
Base Rate Entity - Corporate Tax Rates
The corporate tax rate for Small Business Entity (SBE) companies was reduced to 27.5% from the 2017 financial year. To be an SBE, a company must have carried on a business in the current year and met a $10 million aggregated turnover threshold cap.