At Cordner Advisory, we believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to navigating the complex landscape of business and finance. Our Business Insights Blog is your trusted resource for a wealth of invaluable tips, expert insights, and updates in the world of finance, taxation, accounting, compliance, SMSFs, private advisory, and more. Explore our blog and unlock the insights that can take your financial journey to new heights.

Cordner Advisory Blog

Sarah Crowe Sarah Crowe

Export Marketing Development Grants (EMDG)

**EMDG **is the Export Market Development scheme run by the Australian Government financial assistance program administered by Austrade for Australian aspiring and current exporters.

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Elsa Howarth - Senior Advisor & SMSF Specialist Elsa Howarth - Senior Advisor & SMSF Specialist

SMSF – The Case for Up to Date Reporting

The world is changing and, as it changes, everyone who doesn’t adapt are left behind. This is very true when it comes to interacting with and accessing information electronically.

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Linda Bergesen - Advisor Linda Bergesen - Advisor

Are you or your employees missing super?

According to official records, there is still $17.5 billion in lost and unclaimed super waiting to be found. Some of it could belong to you or your employees.

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Kamil Qureshi - Consultant Kamil Qureshi - Consultant

How can businesses make use of Google to grow?

Research shows that every month a single google search drives millions of direct connections between businesses and their customers which include information such as phone numbers, direction to the business and services like online reservations and buying and selling.

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Steve Payne - Senior Advisor Steve Payne - Senior Advisor

FBT 2019 : Utes are No Tax-Free Perk

Although we are already one quarter into the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Year, which runs 01/04/XX to 31/03/XX, the ATO have sought to clarify their position on a perceived “perk” in relation to FBT payable on employer-provided / salary packaged motor vehicles.

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Kamil Qureshi - Consultant Kamil Qureshi - Consultant

Queensland Absentee Land Tax

In the 2017-18 budget, the government announced a 1.5 per cent land tax surcharge absentee land taxpayers if the value of their taxable land was $350,000 or higher.

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Linda Bergesen - Advisor Linda Bergesen - Advisor

Is it deductible?

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has identified the top 10 tax myths and misunderstandings it says are causing incorrect claims.

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Steve Payne - Senior Advisor Steve Payne - Senior Advisor

Home to work travel claims?

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Linda Bergesen - Advisor Linda Bergesen - Advisor

Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty might soon be available!

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Shaun Ralph - Consultant Shaun Ralph - Consultant

When you are having fun and getting paid

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Elsa Howarth - Senior Advisor & SMSF Specialist Elsa Howarth - Senior Advisor & SMSF Specialist

The 2018-19 Federal Budget – how does it impact your SMSF

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Steve Payne - Senior Advisor Steve Payne - Senior Advisor

The value of a good car log book

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Kamil Qureshi - Consultant Kamil Qureshi - Consultant

Tips To Best Manage Payroll Compliance

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Shaun Ralph - Consultant Shaun Ralph - Consultant

What is business intelligence and why it matters

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Steve Payne - Senior Advisor Steve Payne - Senior Advisor

Labour Hire Arrangements – Do you need to Register?

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Linda Bergesen - Advisor Linda Bergesen - Advisor

What is Single Touch Payroll Reporting, and does it affect you?

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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Kamil Qureshi - Consultant Kamil Qureshi - Consultant

BAS: The consequences of late lodgement

ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.

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