At Cordner Advisory, we believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to navigating the complex landscape of business and finance. Our Business Insights Blog is your trusted resource for a wealth of invaluable tips, expert insights, and updates in the world of finance, taxation, accounting, compliance, SMSFs, private advisory, and more. Explore our blog and unlock the insights that can take your financial journey to new heights.
Cordner Advisory Blog
Support for business – refundable tax offset under the temporary loss carry back arrangement
The economic impacts of COVID-19 and the implementation of the government’s tax relief measures…
Annual reporting for Queensland Building & Construction Commission (QBCC) licensees
Contractor-grade licencee under the QBCC Act must provide financial information to QBCC ensuring the licensee meets the minimum financial requirement (MFR).
2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants for lockdown-impacted businesses in Queensland
Your business or not-for-profit organisation may be eligible for a $5,000 grant if you're impacted by the Queensland lockdowns that commenced at 4pm, Saturday 31 July 2021.
Changes to STP reporting from 1 July
Most employers should now be reporting through Single Touch Payroll (STP) each pay day, unless…
Lifestyle Asset Purchases - Is the ATO watching you?
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has published a notice in the Commonwealth Gazette on 14th July 2021…
Is your SMSF ready for the End of the Financial Year (EOFY)?
With the end of the financial year fast approaching, now is the perfect time to make some final checks and ensure everything is in order for your SMSF before 30 June.
Tax planning considerations are as important as ever
With the end of the 2021 financial year drawing closer tax planning considerations are as important as ever…
GST on imported services and digital products
Australian goods and services tax (GST) applies to sales of imported services and digital products to Australian consumers…
Jobmaker Hiring Credit
The Job maker hiring credit is an incentive for employers to employ young job seekers aged between 16-35 years…
Post JobKeeper Stimulus package
There are a couple of measures announced during the week by the Morrison government as post JobKeeper stimulus package worth $1.2 billion.
Government extends apprenticeship wage subsidy scheme
The Government is extending and expanding the Supporting Apprentices and Trainees wage subsidy under the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements Program…
Professional Services Practices – ATO’s View on Treatment of Profits
The ATO recently release updated guidance (PCG 2021/D2) on their view of the treatment of profits earned by professional practices…
Cryptocurrency – ATO’s “Good faith” approach won’t last much longer
While it has been expected for a while that the ATO would start to ramp up the auditing around cryptocurrencies, it has yet to put the funding into such a scheme.
Increase in Super Caps from 1 July 2021
From 1 July 2021, the concessional and non-concessional contribution caps are set to increase due to indexation for the first time ever since July 2017.
Do you have apprentices and trainees?
If you have apprentices or trainees, you may be eligible to apply for a wage subsidy under the JobTrainer package, introduced by the government…
JobKeeper Extension
JobKeeper extension 2 starts from 4 January 2021 and it runs till 28 March 2021...
JobMaker Hiring Credit - what it is and who is eligible to apply?
The JobMaker Hiring Credit was introduced by the Australian Government to provide incentive for employers to hire young job seekers by delivering a payment to employers to help support the new employee’s wages cost.
Research and Development Tax Incentive
The Research and Development tax incentive encourages companies to engage in Research and Development benefiting Australia, by providing a tax offset for eligible Research and Development activities.
Watch out for ATO Impersonation Scams
If you are one of the many taxpayers who have lodged your personal income tax return by 31 October, it is vital to be aware of the ATO Impersonation Scams.
Personal Property & Securities Register (PPSR) Do you really know who owns that asset?
Although we have been operating under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) for a number of years (became law 30 January 2012), this area of law continues to generate disputes because of the complexity of the legislative regime and the ramifications of being an unsecured creditor of an insolvent entity.