At Cordner Advisory, we believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to navigating the complex landscape of business and finance. Our Business Insights Blog is your trusted resource for a wealth of invaluable tips, expert insights, and updates in the world of finance, taxation, accounting, compliance, SMSFs, private advisory, and more. Explore our blog and unlock the insights that can take your financial journey to new heights.
Cordner Advisory Blog
1 July 2022 and superannuation contribution changes
Are you ready to maximise your superannuation contributions under the new changes commencing 1 July 2022? Significant updates are set to enhance the way you grow your retirement savings. Cordner Advisory, located in Broadbeach, Gold Coast, is adept at guiding you through these superannuation reforms. Partner with us to capitalise on the full potential of your retirement planning.
Is your SMSF ready for the End of the Financial Year (EOFY)?
With the end of the financial year fast approaching, now is the perfect time to make some final checks and ensure everything is in order for your SMSF before 30 June.
Increase in Super Caps from 1 July 2021
From 1 July 2021, the concessional and non-concessional contribution caps are set to increase due to indexation for the first time ever since July 2017.
COVID-19 – Providing concessions for the LRBA in my SMSF
If your SMSF has a related party loan and is impacted due to the financial effects of COVID-19, you may be able to provide your LRBA with relief under an agreed commercial arrangement.
Why you should have a Corporate Trustee for your SMSF?
The time to make a decision regarding who the trustee of your SMSF should be is…
Keep Calm and Don’t Panic – the ATO action on SMSF Investment Strategies
The funds that will receive the letters are those SMSFs that hold 90% or more of their investments in one asset of a single asset class.
Death and Taxes
Taxes are a part of life, but the fact that it is also a part of death is not much thought about, or discussed, or planned for.
How much can you contribute to super before 30 June 2019?
As we approach 30 June, there are a few things to remember… and check… when it comes to superannuation contributions.
SMSF – The Case for Up to Date Reporting
The world is changing and, as it changes, everyone who doesn’t adapt are left behind. This is very true when it comes to interacting with and accessing information electronically.
The 2018-19 Federal Budget – how does it impact your SMSF
ATO has an escalation process for late lodgement of BAS returns, with the first step being a notice to the business owner and the last step being a summons to court. SMEs should also be aware that as the process escalates, it can trigger an audit.